• Family,  Newcastle

    Start as you mean to continue?

    Gosh I hope not, as we are just emerging from bug we caught over the holidays and which laid us out for the better part of two weeks. A brief outing on NYE under the delusion that, actually maybe we…

  • Conventions

    I won the Rotlser!

    File 770 has a nice write up, at the time of posting the official page itself is not updated yet as I assume everyone involved is recovering from a lovely Loscon weekend. One of the nice things about this is…

  • Travel

    The Museum of Classic Sci-Fi

    On Saturday we finally headed up to Allendale to visit this local treasure. It’s a one-man operation and clearly a labour of love on the part of its creator Neil Cole. It’s small but absolutely packed with exhibits, with a…

  • Conventions

    It’s been cold here, the rest of the area had snow a few days ago but it didn’t quite hit here, just rain and cold. I’m very glad for our new heat pump, have cracked out the slow cooker and…

  • Conventions

    Okay then.

    (Whoops, forgot to press publish – have backdated this now) Took a little break from most of the internet, for obvious reasons ,but also because I was travelling and then tired/ill from said travelling. Feeling slightly better now, physically I…

  • Conventions

    Here, there, everywhere

    The last month flew by, a work visit to London, a family visit here in Newcastle, and then a week of men tramping through the house to install a heat pump. All positive things but each a bit disruptive. The…

  • Conventions


    The grand finale of our weekend in Durham was Kynren. The first big surprise was the surrounding park, its in the middle of nowhere and I wasn’t expecting that much, but its modern and generally well-designed. There are shuttle buses,…

  • Conventions

    Bishop Auckland

    At the end of August, John’s parents along with his brother and sister-in-law came up for little mini-vacation. They rented a place in Durham and touristed for a couple of days and then on Friday night we headed over, it…

  • Conventions

    Glasgow (But not Worldcon!)

    But sort of still Worldcon really. After the convention was over, we had planned for an extra few days to explore Glasgow. Meg kindly offered to put us up and show us around a bit, so on Tuesday morning we…