Book Challenge
Although I’m not so much about New Year’s resolutions, I am as prone as anybody to take stock in January and make some adjustments. Rather unoriginally they involve reading more and getting more personal projects done, though that impulse is as much driven by finally being settled in the new house as it is by the changing of the year.
So, signed up for the usual reading challenge, aiming for a book a week and doing okay so far with The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter (ehn) and the Girl With All the Gifts (excellent) under my belt, plus a good start on The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories. After that I’ll take a poke at my scattered “currently reading” pile and see if I can’t put one of those out of it’s misery.
Projects are underway, personal website back up and running (obvs), issue two of Lulzine being brainstormed, and Etsy store dusted off and awaiting input.
Also, John and I went up to London for Hogg’s birthday and we did food and culture.
All that and two journal entries. Not too bad for week three.