Ineffable 2
Once again two conventions occupied the same weekend, but this time I did have to choose between them, alas. New con on the block FIYAHCon which by all accounts was awesome, and Ineffable 2, a Good Omens convention in its second year. Only Ineffable had an art show, so I signed up and got to work on some new fans! Or I say got to work… I did everything but work on fans until a three days before the convention when I finally had a good idea of what I wanted to do. I only got two new fans done, but I sold one of them and was happy with the result on both, and on a third one I am still finishing.
As for the con itself, I love the book and the series, and both authors together and separately, but am not a Good Omens superfan as such, so I only dipped my toe in. That said, it was a lot of fun, in some ways it reminded me of Gally – the enthusiastic and friendly vibe, the cosplay, and to some degree the demographics. The platform was Accelevents, which is clearly designed for business. There was a certain amount of clutter in the design and I did not find it particularly intuitive, but I got my booth set up and generally navigated around well enough, it’s clear Accelerants has a lot of good functionality – it just needs a better interface really. But the con staff was helpful and clearly making an effort to be accessible and updating as needed, there was a ton going on, and people were obviously having a blast. I’d definitely do it again.