Well that went fast
Right around the time of my last post I had signed up to volunteer for CoNZealand, and a solid chunk of the hours between then and now were filled by helping out with Exhibits. There’s been a lot to do, but its also been fun playing around with some tools that I otherwise wouldn’t have access to, specifically building WordPress pages in Divi. Also learning quite a bit about the New Zealand fandom and genre scene.
I also spent most of last week in the pre-Hugo deadline crunch, absorbing a lot of written material in a short time. It’s funny how every year I think I’m actually ahead and then realise I have a bunch of novellas unread! Still, thanks to furlough I have definitely read far more of the nominees than usual, might post later with more detailed thoughts.
Probably have not gotten as much art done as I should have, but I think I’ll have a decent display for the convention art show all the same, so I’m trying not to feel too bad about that. I did paint our bathroom, which while less artistic is very satisfying in a mundane sort of way. Also finally managed to make a loaf of proper sandwich bread that would pass muster at the cafe I used to work at.
We had our first visitors since pre-lockdown, John’s parents came down for a couple of days. They stayed at a hotel but it was a proper visit with errands (paint for the bathroom, the traditional Costco trip), and an outing to Lyndhurst. We are participating in an NHS testing program, so we were actually tested just before they arrived and a few days after (negative) so that was fortunate timing.
And now it is just a few days till Worldcon, which I will attempt to time-shift for. Looking forward to seeing what they pull off!