Worldcon approacheth
June 8, 2024
Two months till the Glasgow Worldcon, and in addition to everything else I am also now running the fan lounge! It doesn’t take very much running to be fair, and there’s a bunch of folks helping out so it should leave me time for previous commitments, Hugo stuff, and enjoying the rest of the convention – which is shaping up to be a good one!
So that is eight weeks to get the lounge ducks in a row (mostly done, really), sort out art for the art show (not even started), sort out costumes (done unless I get a new idea, which I inevitably will the week before), finish Hugo reading (barely halfway through the novels, oh no), and find an outfit for the Hugos (hello Vinted). Is scheduling in procrastination time wise or defeatist, do we think?
Definitely wise!
Well, I’m well ahead on the procratination so far!