I Went to Worldcon and All I Got Was These Excellent Friends – Part Two
(And a bunch of stuff I bought in the dealers room too, I guess) We were staying at the Village, across the bridge from the SEC and Crowne Plaza, which had a decent breakfast buffet but more importantly was also…
I Went to Worldcon and All I Got Was These Excellent Friends – Part One
Well, and covid. Which is one reason why this update is a bit later than I had hoped. The lead up to the convention was the usual flurry of last minute art prep, overpacking, and in my case fan lounge…
Despite the dearth of posts here, its been a reasonably busy few months for me. Starting with a trip to LA in February for Gallifrey One, which was as amazing as ever, followed by a week with in Santa Monica…
First month
Lockdown is a month old now, things are still going as well as they can here. Both of us are still working, my job is slowing down a bit but with big swings as circumstances and regulations change in various…
No Novacon, yes chilaquiles.
On the weekend after Halloween we had planned to go to Novacon, but a proper look at the budget suggested that actually maybe quality time with the cats would be better. As a consolation prize we did get to attend…
Worldcon 2019 in Dublin
Waking at the crack of dawn got us into Dublin city centre by nine-thirty am on Wednesday August 14th. Too early to check into our AirBnB but a fine time for a hearty breakfast at The Bakehouse, right by the…
On Friday the 14th (not quite as ominous, is it) I had a nice lunch with an old co-worker who now lives in Sweden and then after work John and I headed up to the Unity Brewing Taproom, which we…
Ytterbium – Eastercon 2019
This year, Eastercon was at the Park Inn Heathrow, right by the airport. My very first Eastercon was also at Heathrow, just down the road at a different hotel. That year I was incredibly jet lagged, which seriously affected my…
Helsinki Worldcon – Day Zero
We arrived into Helsinki on Tuesday morning and caught the tram to our various destinations; some headed to the Holiday Inn near the convention center, others to Hotel Sokos Vaakuna by the central train station, while John and I had…
Stockholm – Helsinki Worldcon day 1
The Helsinki Worldcon was many years in the making, so it feels a bit surreal that it finally came and went and is now just a memory. Loncon 3 had been my first Worldcon outside of the US and now…