Obligatory New Year’s Post
2023, so far so good. We ended the old year with friends, drinks, food, boardgames, and a movie, then started the new year with much the same. Appropriately the movie for the closing year was a rewatch, Logan Lucky in…
Burritos and pizza
With Lockdown 2 in place for November it seemed a bit silly to do a big turkey and trimmings just for us. So I made pumpkin pie, we ordered burritos with the reasoning that they are the American food most…
Well here we are in the far-flung future of 2020! We had intended on a relatively low key NYE at Unity Brewing’s taproom, but both of us had sore throats so we scaled it back to a couple of pints…
Turkey and burritos
On the weekend of the 23rd, we had an early Thanksgiving with John’s parents, George and Kathryn. I had made two practice pumpkin pies with the Halloween jack-o-lantern and although the third attempt was with canned pumpkin I was pretty…
The second half of September had two Coxon family visits in a row.; first George and Kathryn came down for a brief visit which involved pizza and beer and Into the Spider-Verse. The following weekend John’s parents came to visit,…
The last few weekends we’ve stayed in Southampton, but managed to have nice mini-adventures regardless. The last weekend in August Michael came over and we wandered across the bridge to Riverside Park and Trifest, a new crowdsourced neighbourhood festival. We…
Jan 6th
December flew by, as it does. We went to the midnight screening of The Last Jedi, which I actually enjoyed more than John! Although he has since watched it twice more and surpassed me, as is right and proper. And…