Okay then.
(Whoops, forgot to press publish – have backdated this now)
Took a little break from most of the internet, for obvious reasons ,but also because I was travelling and then tired/ill from said travelling.
Feeling slightly better now, physically I still have a cough but my voice is coming back. As for the rest of it, going to make an effort to blog more often, going to keep my Mastodon account, am still on Discord, but otherwise have lost complete interest on social media. My fb and insta still exist so I can look up local businesses – in the UK at least that seems to be the only way to find their information nowadays.
Obviously my email address hasn’t changed in decades now, and its not like anyone who wants to reach me can’t either use a search engine, or if those continue to deteriorate can’t find a mutual friend on the various sites who can contact me.